Special Educational Needs Provision at Holystone Primary School
At Holystone, we believe in a fully inclusive approach for pupils with additional needs. This includes working closely with parents and carers to support your child to achieve their full potential. We are rightly proud of our reputation as a school that will always do its utmost to include every child and we celebrate the fact that we successfully integrate almost three times as many pupils with higher need SEND than other similar schools.
The school is one of the first in North Tyneside to receive the Dyslexia friendly award.
Initially we follow a graduated response from initial discussions with the class teacher through to providing more tailored support for your child. It is important to us that parents and carers are fully involved in all stages that your child may need support. This will be initially through informal discussions at parent's evening through to reviews of Individual Provision Maps, and possible discussions with other professionals from external agencies.
If you are at all concerned about your child please speak to your child's class teacher who will make any necessary arrangements for further meetings with the Special Educational Needs Team.
North Tyneside provides more information on Special Educational Needs services in the borough. These can be found here.
SEND Vision Statement
Mrs H Watson is the Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) and lead on Inclusion at Holystone.
The Link School Governor for SEND is Ms Gemma Swan
Staff Qualifications:
Mrs Watson (SENDCo & Asst. HT)
- PGDip in Pastoral leadership
- Currently studying towards NPQSENDCO
Mrs Drennan
- Level 3 Speech and language support in the classroom
- BTEC Professional Development Certificate in Speech and Language Therapy Assistant
Mrs Carter
- Level 3 Speech and language support in the classroom
Mrs Thomson
- Grade 1 & 2 UEB Braille
- Thrive Practitioner
Mrs Thomas-Hughes
- British Dyslexia Association Certificate in Dyslexia; Literacy, Support and Intervention (Accredited Level 5)
All staff have received training in SEND, most recently in ASD, Attachment Disorder and Dyslexia.
SEND Policy
SEND Information Report
The school's SEN funding provides provision for children with Special Educational Needs. We are dedicated to providing support through early intervention.
Funding is used to support:
- Quality First teaching
- Whole school inclusive practice
- SENCO role and support team
- Parent liaison
- Liaison with external agencies, for example The Dyslexia Referral Team, Speech, Language and Communication and the Educational Psychologist
- Provide resources to support differentiation including IT
- Time to support staff in developing Provision Maps for identified pupils
- Staff training (CPD)