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Holystone Primary School home page

Holystone Primary School

Together we enjoy, discover and learn

Holystone Primary School log book

We worked alongside English Heritage a few years ago in a project to look at the history of the school and the local area.  This work, started by Miss Strong in her time with us, culminated with the creation of a new website which ensures not only the survival of the very fragile school log-book, but also offers the children (and any other interested party) to use this incredible record in a far easier way.  The site: has a digital image for each page and pages can be turned forwards and back.  Key events are bookmarked – such as the school opening in 1904, the impact of WW1 in 1914 , the visit of the King and Queen to the area in 1939 and the very sad death of the headteacher on his way to school in 1943.  The site is now live and is accessible to anyone.